
Technical Support

Faults and solutions occur in the gravure

1, viscous

Winding printed ink layer is attached to a contact surface (usually on the back of the film), thereby preventing the occurrence of print rewind and pollution, ink peeling. Adhesion of the previous stage is peeled off the sound when rewinding, or in the overlapping part of the surface of the ink showing abnormal sheen.

the reason

1. excessive ink drying, dry false phenomenon.

2. residual solvent.

3. Printing and storage ambient temperature is too high.

4. Winding pressure is too great.

5. reel by pressure or impact.

6. Winding substrate excessive moisture.

7. The substrate additive excessive.

8. Different kinds of wrong mix inks.

Country strong affinity between the printing surface 9. The contact surface of the ink.


1. The switch is equipped with an appropriate solvent.

2. The transformation of the drying device, a low-boiling solvent, give full play to the role of the cooling roll.

3. Print rotation shade, product stacking time as short as possible.

4. Reduce the winding tension

5. Using vertical rotation, during transport strike ban.

6. Make a chill roll temperature higher than the room dew point to prevent moisture condensation.

7. Replace the base.

8. The clear ink performance, try adding a little when the old ink consumption.

9. Se Luofen, nylon, both sides corona treated films together with the parent of the ink film is very strong, dangerous, so the blame in advance with ink factory to negotiate, to take appropriate countermeasures.

2, poor adhesion:

the reason

1. The wrong ink or mixed with different types of ink.

2. The substrate surface treatment is not enough or too long storage time.

3. Excessive substrate moisture.

The affected substrate additives.

5. Since the ink and deterioration caused by bleaching.

6. Drying inadequate.


1. should absolutely avoid ink diversion and mix different types of ink, in order to prevent unwanted, leftover ink should remember clearly the name, date, etc. for safekeeping, to prepare for reuse.

2. And then corona treatment, tension was checking whether the requirements with moist value.

3. cellophane nylon material to confirm before use.

The substrate containing plasticizers, surfactants, lubricants, etc. may prevent ink adhesion, so the unused film, at first use, should first understand its features.

5. reference (Albino) and Item Item (deterioration).

6. The use of heated drying equipment within the allowable range.

3, wiping without a net:
Part of the site appears in no scribing blade without a net, the ink is transferred to the film, but also adhere to a blank part of the ink, not the net version of the squeegee is in the form planar occurred.

the reason

1. blade abrasion or grinding bad.

2. scraper pressure is too large or too small.

3. The chrome version of poor quality.

Version 4. The roller eccentric lead to beat.

5. The ink viscosity is too large.

6. solvent evaporation is too slow or too fast printer.

7. The ink is stored for too long stratified sedimentation.

8. Solution of bad ink solution.


1. Replace or regrind scraper (scraper to analyze the use of time).

2. Pressure is too large, not from scraping effect; too small scratch is not clean, mainly in the non-network parts, should be adjusted to the proper pressure during operation to observe the situation forum.

3. sanding or stripping Roller.

4. control the eccentric (beating range).

5. Lower the ink viscosity.

6. Increase the solvent evaporation rate; reduce printing speed and the printing layout hair.

7. Replace the new ink.

8. Contact technical guidance and ink suppliers.

4, drying too slow:

If too slow drying speed, it will cause precipitation, the guide rollers pollution, sticking ink soak into the paper too much, so that about curl or by increasing the amount of residual solvent and hair smell.

the reason

1. diluting solvent drying speed is too slow.

Version 2. The depth is too deep.

3. The lack of capacity of the dryer.

The print speed is too fast.

5. The use of the high viscosity of the ink.


1. When using special solvents does not fully meet the requirements should be and use quick-drying solvent.

2. If you had to use a deeper version of the depth, you should use fast-drying solvent, and slow down the printing speed.

3. drying capacity mainly rely on the amount of wind (or wind speed), and the temperature in the second.

The printing speed should be decided dryer, with progress also depends on including the extent of the amount of residual solvent inks including the quality may be.

5. Adjust the ink viscosity, and regular checks of stability.

5. drying too quickly:

Normal transfer of ink is damaged, and undesirable trapping debris screen phenomenon, or clogging of the bright part of the version, the reason whitening.

the reason

1. ink and solvent drying too fast.

2. The hot air escaping from the desiccant blown forum.

3. The printing plate occurred near the air circulation.


1. Use a slow drying solvent, but considering the original amount of the ink solvent, the solvent can be some adjustment, only 30-50%, so when it is difficult to resolve, should contact the ink factory.

2. Make the desiccant displacement is greater than the intake, the outside air into the machine to prevent leakage. Such as leakage should consider taking measures to increase the cover.

3. Avoid wind from doors, windows, air conditioning blowing straight on the next page.

6. Bubble:

Occur in the printing process a large number of bubbles, thus making the blade deteriorating effect, due to the outlets off, resulting in printed foam splash contamination.

the reason

1. The ink tank has a large amount of air is mixed.

2. Ink came to return the ink reservoir when the height is too large.

3. The ink air can not get out.

4. The ink obsolete.

5. once again used the ink used.

6. The ink composition inappropriate.


1. Check pump mode, pump flow and overflow speed, slow speed overflow.

2. Improve the position of the ink tank and use appropriate piping, the curved portion of the ink pipes rounder.

3. To reduce the viscosity of the ink, and with defoamers.

4. Supplementary new ink, and an appropriate amount of defoamers secret.

5. Use new ink.

6. Please provide guidance ink factory.

7. Albino:

The printing surface of the screen as if sprinkled powdered white like rendering and adverse adhesion, scratch and so on.

the reason

1. When the ink is dried on the film surface, a mixed solvent of imbalance, resulting in the resin is not dissolved, precipitation, clouding and localized gelling.

2. When the ink film surface is dry, due to the humidity, the temperature drops mixed with water so clouded, resulting resin insoluble gel precipitation, cloudiness and partial gelation.


1. happened resin whitened occasion should use the correct recipes dedicated beauties cashmere. Such as when you can not solve, should negotiate with the ink factory.

2. This is also called water whitening, it is unfounded because the heat of vaporization of the solvent and the additional heat generated. Use slow solvent or improve printing speed, as soon as the print fed into the dryer, not accompanied by excessive heat without benefit of wind speed is harmful.

8, layout blockage:

From the transfer rate of the ink on the printing plate generally should be fixed (typically 50% -70%), but for some reason decreases, forming all the transfer state, a phenomenon easily generated in the shallower part version.

the reason

1. The ink is fixed on the layout.

2. The ink coarse particles, undissolved precipitates, dust condensation.

3. wrong with the deterioration of the ink or solvents. The reaction product was reduced due to printing ink redissolvability.

4. mesh inner walls edition etching process state is bad, version of the smooth transfer of ink forming bad.


1. parameters (drying too quickly) items.

2. The printing process can be tried, the insertion of about 80-120 mesh metal mesh filter ink resin, wax precipitation in particular through the ink in the ink passage heating (40-50 ℃).

3. The reference (gelling and metamorphic), the addition, should try to avoid mechanical stop running, not running for a long time, should be fully cleaned forum or continue idling.

4. due to the mesh wall plate processing rough.

9. pinhole:

Appeared on the tiny ink is transferred from the appearance of the cell site.

the reason

1. plasticizer contained in the film, lubricants, etc. float to the surface, hinder the normal transfer and lubrication ink.

2. The viscosity of the ink is too large, or too fast drying binders defects caused by poor transfer, wettability adaptation.

3. Printing pressure is too small, defects on the plate.

4. As the ink vesicles hinder the normal transfer of ink.


1. Preheat the printing should use, implementation of heating the printed film, if not addressed, you should contact the Film Factory.

2. The ink viscosity, and with a slow drying solvent, if the problem is serious cap may be defective ink should contact ink factory.

3. If there is a pattern of pinhole site, it may be wrong on the plate, check if there are irregularities Indian dandy roll damage, strengthen the platen.

4. The reference (bubble) items.

10, biting color:

The previous version of the ink film dissolution on the next page.

the reason

1. The ink is easily re-dissolved, the printing speed is too slow, due to the film surface of the slide in FIG other reasons, the dissolution of the previous version of the ink on the page.

2. plasticizers or diluents may also be due to the use of film dissolution contained in some paint and metastasis, especially dyes, this situation is very common.


1. Use a quick-drying solvent, reducing the pressure roller pressure, try raising the possibility that the printing speed, into the dryer as soon as possible, if still can not stop biting color should contact the ink factory, change inks of different systems.

2. For the film containing a plasticizer, should avoid the use of dye ink color material constituting the body from the pigment can be aware of the possibility of its precipitation. Should first obtain performance information on various colors of ink to the ink factory.

11. Migration:

Ink color material (dye advantages will stick to the food) or through the pollution caused by the film moved to come into contact with the material.

the reason

Ink and plasticizer contained in the film, the additive is sometimes due to water dissolve a portion of the ink pigments in the film movement, when the temperature rise problem is more pronounced.


Use a film and a hydrophilic film plasticizer in the base material, it should be avoided in favor and contain easily dissolved and aqueous pigment ink. This color change in circumstances from the appearance can be judged. Therefore, consideration should be given to the secondary processing and end-use conditions, and ink factory negotiations.

12. Curl:

This is the inside of the printed matter between a curling phenomenon, not only products ugly, and difficult to secondary processing.

the reason

1. The film caused by the ink solvent swelling.

2. The ink film and the film expansion due to changes in temperature and humidity generated is not high.


1. Information and ink factory, the paper try not to use the film to dissolve swelling solvent.

2. Use a suitable ink should as far as possible. In addition, think of ways from the plate (as far as possible to reproduce the lighter version of the deep tones) and the anti-curl back film coating agent is a method.

13, from the skin

Ink ink part of the surface plate and dried to form a layer of film, the film is attached to the drum, layout form uneven blade marks, pollution phenomenon.

the reason

1. The structure of the ink tray is not good, resulting in retention portion does not flow. Leakage of air drying the surface of the ink from the dryer.

2. The ink drying too fast.


1. try style dish made of ink in the ink printing process can be uniformly flows. In addition, the amount of exhaust dryer should be slightly larger than the air volume and to prevent leakage of air from the dryer. If the desiccant air leakage should take cover measures to avoid the wind to the ink.

2. Adjust the ink evaporation rate. Some of the ink tray floating polyethylene pipe is a method.

14, craters

the reason

1. When the printing surface were strong drying, surface drying progress rapidly, is sealed to the inside of a boiling solvent suddenly discharged to the surface.


Flash to hot air drying can promote skin dry, so the best low-temperature drying machine - high temperature - low temperature or temperature curve type. Also in Thanh Hoa preferable to use the ink drying solvent slow to slow drying speed.

15, gelation:

Ink loss of liquidity, solidified into a gel loading phenomenon.

the reason

1. Due to the low temperature and gelled.

2. The foreign matter or misuse of solvents.

3. Since the chemical reaction.


1. Maintain a temperature above the gelation point, and ink mixing.

2. Check whether caused by deterioration due to mixing with water, mix different types of ink, or the wrong solvent.

3. For two isocyanate reactive liquid ink, if used the residual ink has been a serious deterioration not use.

15, ghosting

In the version of the unetched parts of the transfer on the cinematic style of ink traces phenomenon.

the reason

1. The ink adhering chromium accumulation in surface version, do not scrape scraper and transferred to the film.

2. a forum before the next printed ink
White empty surface version redissolved in
Picture was outside the scope of the next forum
It emerged pale-colored images.


1. Paper rub ink adhesion chromium surface, severe or
Chrome trial now doing, and sometimes can also be used to get a new ink
The method to solve.
2. It should be noted at low speed

17 Residues:

Level residues can be quantified out easily with a gas chromatograph, but when abnormal values can also be identified sniff out.

the reason

1. Since the ink coating or drying conditions
Dryer efficiency reasons.
2 Due to the nature of the resin film being used.

1 Use quick-drying solvent and the use is not associated with excessive heat
When wind speeds drying, may only promote skin
Dry and prevent internal solvent removal, the most effective
Drying, the solvent molecules must have from the image
Diffusion out of the heat (high temperature) and time.
2 thin residual amount of different types may have very significant
Differences, therefore, it should obtain the relevant residues from factory
Stay tend to have prior knowledge. In addition, the resin is
Coated film, especially for PVDC-coated film has a knot
Crystallinity should take note

18, the electrostatic barrier:
Due to sparks caused a fire when the accumulation of electrostatic discharge, and the linear portion of the strip patchy phenomenon occurs, undermining the image is formed.

the reason

Static electricity is high overcast films with various other potential difference between the exposure to the substance peeling, friction occurs, for although the organic film can be used electrostatic disorder antistatic agent to a method to reduce the obstacles, but most inadequate.


Failures caused by static electricity in winter most of this period the lowest humidity, so strategy is the use of watering and humidification machine to print or import steam chamber and so to increase humidity. While in the printing process, to contact metal braid film grounded to remove static electricity. Add an antistatic agent in the ink, although also an effective tool, but as the use of type, weight improper bonding and lamination obstacle occurs obstacles, and therefore need to comply with the ink manufacturer's instructions.

19, metamorphic

Ink lost mobility, abnormal rise in viscosity. Gloss reduction, resulting in poor revolves around the rest of the ink can not be reused.

the reason

Solvent ink on the ink drying tray and layout, since the heat of vaporization of the solvent and the temperature decreases, ambient air is used in the condensation of moisture content. Resulting in an increase in the ink in the water.


In order to prevent the temperature due to the heat of vaporization of surface lead to decline
May be used in slow dry solvent, when the heat and humidity,
A considerable amount of moisture mixed in the ink, and therefore in the event of
Abnormal, should be added all the new ink or replaced,
Leftover ink used repeatedly, since entering into a number of dust
Egypt, should regularly be filtered or discarded.

20, tone reproduction bad

There are tonal gradations in the screen, the status of the transfer made from a lack of uniformity in the shadow portion to the bright portion of the ink. Clogging and poor transfer.


the reason

1. ink drying too fast or viscosity is too high.

2. As the ink clogging caused edition.

3. The quality of the relevant plate.


1. The viscosity should be as low as possible, it may be used in some situations slow drying solvent.

2. The reference (forum blockage) items.

3. You must contact with plate factory remake.

21, scraper marks:

No part of the ink is not on the layout lines scraper scrape, when the rest of the surface portion of the ink does not allow the transfer occurred lines like pollution, with a magnifying glass to observe stripe portion, the central portion of the pollution cored like type of blank.

the reason

The quality of materials and Tianma 1. scraper is good.

Version 2. (chrome) surface transfer roller offset state.

3. The ink impurities, coarse particles Bureau treatment will lift the blade.


1. Replace the blade or grinding, with a knife slightly longer, softer hardness is powerful.

2. Hardness and hard chrome written as favorable, in order to improve the smoothness of the surface, eliminate glitches part should be carefully grind when the problem occurred, the candidate or chrome paper wipe approach.

3. It should be possible to reduce the viscosity of the ink, in order to go out foreign matter, should be inserted about 120 mesh metal mesh in ink special ring system, the ongoing excessive.

22. orange peel appearance:

Mainly squamous state like ink overlapping portion occurs Lipi or orange peel, common open spots printed on the front of the similar phenomenon

the reason

When the first layer of color shifting ink film above the first floor color overprint, the first layer is the second layer of the ink solvent dissolved before drying convection mixing two colors form a unique appearance.


This is because the ink is readily redissolved formed using quick-drying solvent and higher viscosity to print, in addition, to improve the printing speed, the print into the dryer as soon as possible, so that the ink is fixed effective way, if time does not resolve , it is likely that the performance of ink have a problem, you should contact the ink factory.

23、Printing ink is sticking out of the project:

the reason

1. Cooling water roller heating, water flow is too small or clogged water pipes or water temperature is too high.

2. The guide stick too much ink on the rollers, or different operating speed of the roller is not synchronized with the material speed.

3. The ink dried enough or false dry state.


1. Increase the cooling water flow reduces water roll temperature at about 20 ℃, good grasp clogging pipes and keep the water clear.

2. The accumulation of ink on the guide rollers from the dry erase, adjust the speed of the roller with the material to synchronized.

3. To accelerate the drying solvent in the ink, increase the oven temperature is within the allowable range.

24, print wear faster:

the reason

1. chrome layer is too soft.

2. squeegee pressure too, illegal operation by mechanical pressure.

When you install Version 3. Roller Roller, eccentric, leading to running jump over the same period of compression wear.


1. Re-chrome, chrome layer hardness control.

2. Lower the squeegee pressure, may not illegal operation, with a mechanical pressure.

3. Control Roller confidence level.

25, white spots

Generally shallow spot color screen printing network and hierarchical position, the hole was like, is not printed on the ink.

the reason

1. printing substrate surface is too rough.

2. The material is printed on the surface tension is too low or uneven.

3. press roll hardness low.

The ink viscosity is too small, or the ratio of the solvent are wrong.

5. The distance between the point of contact between the blade and the layout far.

6. The pressure roller pressure is too small.


1. The switch to a more glossy coated substrates or treated.

2. Again Corona printing materials or replace materials.

3. Replace the high hardness of the pressure roller.

4. Improve the ink viscosity, correct solvent ratio.

5. Place the blade near the embossed points.

6. Lower pressure pressure.

26, hollow:
After bottoming white ink to produce color or text around the front left blank no white ink.

the reason

1. The ink viscosity is too low or too long.

2. electrostatic effects.

3. The pressure roller is too hard.

4. The use of different manufacturers of ink, the surface tension differences.


1. To improve the ink viscosity or replaced with new ink.

Add a small amount of an antistatic agent.

3. Replace soft press roll.

4. Use the same manufacturer's ink.